Today marks Andrew's 9 month birthday, or as Grandma Danelle says, his "In and Out" birthday since he has spent the same amount of time out of the womb as he has had while I was carrying him. This last month has been such a remarkable month for my little guy! He started crawling shortly after he turned 8 months old and hasn't stopped since! He is on the go 24/7 and enjoys his new found mobility. He absolutely melted my heart when I had returned home from a not-so pleasant day at work and upon hearing my voice and catching a glimpse of me from around the corner, came crawling in full force to greet me! It was so amazing and moved me to tears. I can vividly recall the look on his face and the big toothy grin as he kicked it into 5th gear to make his way over to me! I will remember that moment forever!

Andrew also helped me celebrate my very first Mother's Day! Daddy was very sad that he was forced onto work and couldn't spend my special day with us but Andrew did a great job of filling in! He sure knows how to find the places in my heart with his sweet snuggles and grins! How I ever survived life prior to Andrew is beyond me! It is mind-boggling to me how much I love him! He just makes everything better and the hard times disappear!
Andrew is also well on his way to having both of his top front teeth. Last week, his upper right top tooth cut through! The other top toofer is budding through! Thank goodness summer time is around the corner because with chompers and crawling, I am surely going to be one busy momma!! I know all you mommy's remember these days!
Andrew spent his 9 month birthday at the Getty Villa in the Pacific Palisades. He had so much fun and we were both in awe of the beauty and the magnificence of this museum. If you haven't been there before, you really need to go! It was amazingly beautiful and took my breathe away! After, we stopped for lunch at Gladstone's restaurant overlooking the beautiful Pacific Coastline on PCH. The food was great and Andrew sat like a big boy in high chair and enjoyed all the attention he received from passer-byers! He especially enjoyed his interactions with our very animated waiter! With his over the top personality, red rimmed sun glasses and melodic songs, Andrew wasn't quite sure what to think of this guy! The only part we could have done without on this spectacular day was the lovely LA traffic. It took over 3 hours to get home but thanks to the efforts of Auntie Jocelyn, Elena, and Lindsay, Andrew had some deep belly laughs and some snacks!! I have never heard such laughter out of him!!
Andrew is definitely a little boy!! And with that comes lots of bumps and bruises. It is hard to snap a photo these days without seeing some type of goose egg or bruise on his forehead. He loves moving about and of course, manages to run into everything! But of course, this comes with the territory!!
These 9 months have come and gone in the blink of an eye! You are mommy's blessing Andrew!! I love you so much!!