So, all you parents weren't kidding when you said, "enjoy it...because it goes by so fast!" No joke!! Mommy's little peanut is already 2 months old and growing everyday! During his 8 week and 2 month birthday, Andrew had quite the busy week! On his actual 8 week birthday, we spent the day with Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Ross and Aunt Tracey cheering for our Cowboys against Grandpa's team. Unfortunately, our Boys decided to do what we have been doing so well lately...lose the game! :( But at least, we had fun sporting our Dallas gear and spending time with the family.

In the middle of the week, we decided to surprise my students and co-workers at school. Andrew and I caused quite the scene and created pandemonium when my students saw me. It was truly so great to see them and for them to meet Andrew. I couldn't believe how different my students looked. Granted, I haven't seen them since June, I was blown away by how much they had grown and matured. Makes me think how precious this time with Andrew really is. If 2 months can go by this quickly, I better prepare myself for girls calling the house and Andrew texting up a storm like my students....yikes! It will be here before I know it!
Unaware that it was picture day at school, it was requested that I take my staff/yearbook photo. I agreed on one condition: Andrew would be in the photo with me! And he was! Hopefully, everyone will be staring at my cute kid rather than my sleepy eyes and my hair in need of a touch-up! :) Don't worry, I will upload that picture when I get it!
After we visited with my students, we packed up and headed out to see Daddy at the fire station! Having the luxury of still being at home, I can't imagine how much Kyle misses his little guy, especially for being gone a minimum of 3 days at a time. He was so happy to see Andrew and introduce him to his co-workers. We had quite the day and Andrew was so well behaved! Not a fuss at all! YES!!! Needless to say, he slept very well on the way home!

So, call me "Mother of the Year!" I say this sarcastically as I unintentionally scheduled Andrew's 2 month Doctor's appointment...yes the dreaded 2 month appointment where he gets his shots! Smooth move Courtnie! Poor little guy didn't see it coming! But he is a trooper and quite the tough cookie! And as a result, had 3 very studly looking Iron Man BandAides to show for his toughness! But on the brighter side, Andrew is 10 1/4 pounds and 24 1/4 inches. Still in the 90th percentile for height!! He just keeps growing, and growing, and growing, and growing!! Doctor Hurwitz said he is going to be one long and lean guy! She also said Andrew is quite alert and that Kyle and I are going to have quite the active kid on our hands...wonder which parent Andrew inherited that from??? Certainly, not his mother!

Andrew continues to impress me everyday and "melts me" as Grandma Eddie would say. He has been smiling up a storm for the last couple of weeks and is trying to verbalize the words Kyle and I speak to him. Who would have ever thought that an all gums smile would send us to the moon and back? He is such a smart little man and I just love him more and more everyday! Love you so much Andrew!!