Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Going Medieval

One of the great things about my school is that families are encouraged to attend the field trips, including those of the teachers too! So, of course when I was told we were taking our students to Medieval Times, I knew Andrew would love to go Medieval with my middle school students! Even though he slept through the entire show (how he managed to do this with all the fighting and banging from the swords and shields, I don't know!), he very much enjoyed his first field trip.

My students and parents were happy to finally meet the newest addition to the Wallace family! And to top it off, our Green Knight won the battle! Woo hoo!

Andrew enjoyed being King for the day...King of Mommy's heart!

1 comment:

  1. I had so much fun hanging out with you and mister man! He is so precious! I am so happy I get to be one of his nannies!!
