Sunday, May 15, 2011

Drum roll please...

So it is with great excitement that we announce the name we have selected for our little man! And the winner is.....


After much thought and consideration, we have chosen a name!! When Kyle and I found out we were pregnant, we decided that if we were having a girl, I would be allowed to choose a name and if it were a boy, Kyle could choose the name. So, the moment we saw that our little one was in fact an heir to the Wallace name, Kyle got busy researching names that were of significance to him and his heritage. Turns out, there are several generations of Andrew in the Wallace family tree (and coincidentally, several in the Martin family tree too). But the name skipped generations with his Dad's generation and with Kyle's. Kyle asked how I liked the name and to be honest, being a teacher really puts a damper on selecting names for your baby. Fortunately, I haven't had an Andrew and I actually, believe it or not, do not know any Andrew's personally! So when Kyle asked me what I thought about the name, I was so excited!! Point for Kyle!

We have been going back and forth with "are you sure?," "do you like any other names?," but I knew that as soon as we started signing Mother's Day cards with Kyle, Courtnie, JD, and Andrew as well as telling Kyle to say good bye and give a kiss to Andrew before he left on shift, we had a winner! Now, on to the task of selecting a middle name. Any suggestions??

I can't believe that there is only 3 1/2 months left! Mommy and Daddy can't wait to meet you Andrew!!


  1. Court, I think you asked Karen about a middle name and she said "Joe". My vote is for Joe too. Love you and Kyle alots!!

  2. .ps Andrew is a Great name!!!!
