No excuses! I am a big ole LAME-O and since 2013 kicked off, I have put my blog on the back burner. For all you faithful followers, I am so sorry that I have not updated this as often as I should. Okay, the last time I posted was 2 months ago...I know, I L to the forehead. In my defense, let me tell you
SOME of the things that have kept me very busy over the last 2 months.
First and foremost, if you have children or have younger siblings, than you would know that it is fair to say that having a very active toddler makes simple things, well, difficult. Let's just say that after an evening in my home with some girlfriends, my home started clean, and by the end of our visit, we joked that Hurricane Andrew had blown through. This little boy is the "on the go, non-stop, gotta stay moving, gets bored quick, will pause for a brief snuggle and smooch, and then get out of my way, it's GO TIME!!" little boy. I am literally exhausted by the end of the day. And these are my weekends! During the week, I am up and on the road by 6 to commute to Riverside to teach my middle-schoolers. I truly don't know how my stay at home mommy friends do it. I feel like I get a "break" when I am at work...sometimes!
In January, I took Andrew to the Discovery Science Center in Anaheim. Between the Bob the Builder exhibit and playroom, Andrew had a blast. I will post the few pics I was able to snag of this little mover and shaker in my
Andrew meets Bob the Builder post. It's hard to capture him these days, he is so dang speedy!
Since Kyle works on the weekends, Andrew and I have "Mommy and me" dates. We have visited friends, fed the ducks, gone for a smoothie (a.k.a. Andrew drinks mommy's smoothie) and gone for walks to the park. Andrew loves getting the mail. He has his system down. He knows where his jacket is, knows where to put his shoes on, but we are still working on the putting the shoes on part. He can put them on his feet but that's where it ends. He insists on holding the key the entire way to the mailbox and will hold the mail on the way home. It's HIS thing and I have learned not to interfere!

Andrew has seemingly acquired my OCD. This little boy must organize everything. From the socks in his sock basket, to his shoes, to my Tupperware, you name it, he will organize it! He even knows how to put things away, including trash. He will unpeel his own banana, walk the peel to the trash can, open the trash drawer, and throw it away. Need to wipe a spill off the floor, just give a towel to Andrew and no joke, he will scrub the floors. Now, if only he knew how to clean up all his toys.
Andrew is saying many words. His newest words since the start of 2013 are
- Plane: he loves watching airplanes and will literally stop in mid stride to find the plane in the sky, point to it, and say "plane"
- Push: he is fascinated with lights. He loves walking around the house saying "push" to turn on light switches or push any button he can get his hands on. He certainly knows how to push mommy's and daddy's buttons too!
- Lights: After he turns the lights on, he will say lights.
- Uh-oh
- Oh dear!: Kyle can't stand that he says this but after too many close encounters with a different phrase that I was not happy about, I have managed to get him to say Oh Dear! instead.
- WOW, WOW, WOW!: And yes, all three WOW's happen at in one phrase. This is said when there is lots of excitement around him.
- He claps at the end of every song that he likes or at the end of a performance. Currently, his favorite songs are Tornado by Little Big Town and Heaven by Bruno Mars. He sure does love to shake his bootie!
February has been a very busy month for the Wallace Family. We are so busy being busy with things around the house and work that we have neglected our family and friends. Please accept this as an apology if we haven't seen or spoken to you in awhile. On my end, in addition to work, I currently have 32 pregnant friends...yes 32!! Needless to say, Andrew and I have been to a ton of baby showers and have had to miss some too in order to make other events. The last due date is August so hey, things should slow down by then! It's been crazy! Tack on some birthday parties and illness, that pretty much sums up our days. Never mind our latest and greatest frequent flyer miles we have accrued at the Rancho Springs Medical Center ER this last weekend, this mommy is wiped out. Thank you for all your well wishes and love you sent to Andrew. The x-rays revealed that there was not a fracture but to this day, Andrew still won't put full weight on his left foot. He is making improvements day by day. Thank goodness I have this week "off." I will post all the details about his First Big Boy Boo Boo later.
We hope you are all doing well! Thank you for your love, support, and friendship! We promise, we will surface again soon!