Sunday, August 21, 2011

At long last, our Prince has arrived!

He's here!

Andrew Gavin Wallace

Born 8/21/2011

7 lbs, 14 oz, 20 inches long

He has arrived!!!

So I have been told that I am quite the lucky lady to have had such a great pregnancy and labor. Whether easy or not, I am beyond thankful and fortunate to have a healthy, beautiful baby boy in my arms.
So sit back and goes...
On Friday night, August 19th, I was experiencing what I thought might be my watering leaking. Not quite what I had pictured for my water breaking but it still concerned me. So alas, we packed the hospital bag and car seat in the "Mom Bomb" (Kyle's new name for the Tahoe) and headed over to the hospital. Upon our arrival, I was taken to the Labor and Delivery Rooms and hooked up to monitors. Andrew's heart rate was strong and I was having contractions but shockingly, I couldn't feel them. My nurse at the time, believe it or not, her name was Marge, and she handled my business with what her name would imply. OUCH!!! After checking me, I was 2-3 cm and 60% effaced and the water bag was still intact. The hospital wouldn't admit me unless I was 4 cm dilated so they had Kyle and I take laps around the hospital for an hour. The nurses started keeping tally marks to track our progress and thought it was quite entertaining the pace we were strolling. Stroll is a bit of an understatement, Kyle and I were power walking through those halls! After our hour was up, I was checked again and still at 2-3 cm. So, we were sent home! :(
Saturday was spent at home relaxing and enjoying our final days of piece and quiet. Later that night, I started to experience several Braxton Hicks contractions. These are very irregular contractions, varying in time and pain. I was advised that I would most likely experience these and they would be very low in my abdomen and would not be regular as far as time apart. All night I battled these stinkers but thought this was just the process getting started.
Sunday morning I woke up feeling GREAT! No contractions, no pain, a little tired but overall, feeling awesome! It wasn't until that afternoon about 1 o'clock that I had some blood in my mucous (sorry for the TMI) but this was one indicator that I was told you need to go to the hospital if I experienced this. So alas, we packed the Mom Bomb again with the hospital bag and were on our way.
After getting settled in, I was checked again and discovered that I was 4 cm dilated and 90% effaced! So, they decided to officially break my water. We are in labor...WOO HOO!!! Of course, our little future Dallas fan decided he wanted to make his arrival on game day and probably would force us to miss the game. Quite the contrary actually! We would soon realize that Andrew wanted to hang out a little bit longer...but not much longer.
I was checked into our Labor room at 3 o'clock and decided to get my epidural early. If you know me, I don't do pain well...really...AT ALL! I was dreading getting an epidural because of "the needle" but my anesthesiologist was amazing. I didn't feel anything...and then 20 minutes later...I really didn't feel anything! So all that worrying for nothing! I was one happy camper, having contractions but couldn't feel them!
It was game time and the whole fam bam was in my labor room watching our Cowboys play the Chargers. At 6:00, I was checked again and I had dilated to 7 cm and 100% effaced. I was progressing well and enjoying having my family with me and watching the Dallas game. It looked like my little man was going to wait until after the game to make his debut. Thirty minutes later, they checked me again and I was 9 1/2 cm dilated but my contractions weren't very close. So they watched me closely and in the meantime, I enjoyed my time with the family. Too bad Dallas couldn't pull a win tonight! That would have truly made this day perfect in every way! :)
At 8:30 pm, the nurse informed us it was time to rock and roll. It was crazy how fast my labor went! "It's time to start pushing" were words I wanted to hear but couldn't believe how fast the time had come. We had to wait for my Doctor to arrive so in the time between, they prepped the room and Kyle and I prepared ourselves for a moment we had been waiting for for the last 9 months. Once Dr. Selinger arrived at 8:45pm, it was time to start pushing! After 4 sets of contractions and pushes, our little man had made his way into our world at 9:16pm. A beautiful, healthy baby boy!
We are pleased to announce the arrival of: 

Andrew Gavin Wallace
August 21, 2011
9:16 pm
7 pounds, 14 ounces, and 20 inches long

Welcome Andrew!! You are loved so much already...more than you could ever know!

Monday, August 15, 2011

1 down...9 to go!

Today officially marks 39 weeks! I am so happy that Andrew is enjoying his roasty toasty home and camping out as long as possible. However, both Kyle and I are very eager to meet our little guy. So you can imagine how anxious we have been for this morning's doctor's appointment! After much anticipation, we discovered today that I am 1 cm dilated and about 50% effaced...woohoo!! Dr. Selinger said that all looks great and that we are right on schedule. Very Wallace like if you ask me! If Andrew has his momma's scheduling OCD and personality, he should be here soon! Can't wait to meet our little man!

And yes, I am aware that I still have not posted pictures of the nursery. We ordered custom letters for his room and they still have not arrived! Come on now, I can't post pictures of an unfinished nursery. But I promise, I will post them as soon as it is complete it might have Andrew in them too!

More updates to come!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Full Moon Speculations

So my mom, a very anxious Grandma-to-be, decides to inform me that this weekend there will be a full moon. You would think I would know the relevance to this statement and her eagerness to tell me about it. Vampires and werewolves?? Nope! Extra moodiness (not that I have had any at all...ha!) Greater chance of winning the lottery?? Oh how I wish!! 

For those of you that don't me...apparently, there is a theory that the moon's gravitational pull effects the amniotic fluid and other water in our bodies as well as bodies of water on earth. Why is this important to a 39 week pregnant woman? There are more cases of pregnant woman going into labor and their water breaking on the night of a full moon because of this gravitational pull. So alas, will I be a scientific statistic and phenomenon? We shall see!! (Insert suspenseful music!!)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Mommy Time

So the question has been asked as to who I think will have a harder time adjusting to the shift attention once Andrew arrives, Kyle or JD. Judging by the "this is my mommy" posture and watchful eye, I think it's going to be a tough call!

Notice the ears up and Jd's head resting perfectly on the belly! Kyle doesn't stand a chance to get in on this cuddle time!

Monday, August 1, 2011

37 weeks = Full Term Baby!!

So it's true, today officially marks that Andrew is full term at 37 weeks. With only 3 weeks to go, the countdown is on and Baby Watch 2011 has commenced. Today, we have the first of our weekly appointments where Dr. Selinger will be checking our progress. I have heard of some women showing dilation already. Hopefully, Andrew will want to cook a little bit longer as even though we are prepared here at home for his arrival, why does it feel like there is still so much to do?

On the work end, I was relieved to find out that we had secured my long term sub for the Fall semester. Finally!! After devoting many days over the summer vacation to interviews, I am so happy that we found a teacher, who actually "likes" math...I know, I know, one of those crazy birds like me! Us "math dorks" are a rare breed! But having the confidence of knowing that a teacher will be taking my class, who is competent in Algebra, takes a lot of stress off my plate. It is so hard for me to relinquish this control but I am finding that I have a greater calling right now that is making this transition from teacher to mommy that much easier. I understand that right now, my most important job is becoming a mommy! And believe me, Andrew certainly likes to remind me of this fact every time he delivers the right hook or that strong little kick to my side and ribs. Just like his Daddy, already a "pain in my side!" :) But I love him all the more for it!

Don't worry, we'll keep you posted on our weekly updates! Happy August! 21 more days to go!