Tuesday, February 18, 2014

He isn't so little anymore!

Holy cow! This mama is in straight denial! I look at this little boy and through my eyes, he is Mommy's little boy...just that, my "little" boy! Ugh!! The kid is almost 2 1/2 years old and talking a mile a minute. He wakes up and is ready for conversation (certainly got this from me because we all know that Kyle is NOT a morning person!) And literally, he is HUGE!! He is about 38 inches tall, which is over 3 feet tall. I forget how tall he is until he stands next to other children who are about the same age.

He is developing into his own little person and exhibiting the coolest characteristics! He is project driven and wants to impress. He also is a doer and likes doing things himself. He will certainly let me know if I am intervening when he doesn't want me to. And as of two week's ago, he is referring to himself in the third person. "Good job Andrew!" or "Thank you Andrew!" He is cracking me up on a daily basis with his spunk and his little man-isms!

We recently acquired a power wheels truck and I honestly thought it would take him some time to learn how to drive it. It has a forward or reverse motion with a button to operate each function. Within 5 minutes, Andrew was driving this truck like he owned the road. He was taking ramps and hills and begging for speed. He maneuvered in and out of turns without hitting objects. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? When did he get so big? Can you say, "denial!!??"

In addition to being 100% boy, he warms my heart every day with a smooches to die for. He will stop what he is doing and run over and give me a snuggle and a smooch, with the biggest lips and pucker! He melts me! I hope this phase of him offering and initiating these smooches lasts awhile. It was one of my favorites and I cherish it!

Andrew is also great at negotiating. If he feels that it is his turn to do something, he says "my turn" or "share." Thankfully, he is great at understanding what it means to take turns and he is GREAT at sharing. There have been a handful of occasions where I could have sworn that a meltdown was about to happen when he was asked to share a toy with another child, and to my surprise, he willingly gives it. YES!

Lastly, it appears that my OCD gene has passed on to Andrew as this little boy loves to clean. He has become an expert with the Swiffer and loves to vacuum. Give him window cleaner and he will clean every surface. He also clears his own plate and puts it in the sink.

Seriously, someone pinch me...when did he get so big?

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day from our little love muffin!!

I love this little boy to the moon and back!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Have you ever held a gold medal?

One of the many hats I wear as a teacher is that I am also the ASB Advisor. This position is very time consuming but EXTREMELY rewarding as I get to work with the cream of the crop of our students within our program. These kids are the leaders of our school that truly want to make a difference and embody the characteristics of exemplary students. Recently, we were asked to make a presentation to the Springs Board during their board meeting. My kids were amazing!! They stood with poise and represented our school and their efforts well.

After their presentation, the entire meeting was introduced to our keynote speaker, Dain Blanton!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Beach Volleyball Olympic Gold Medalist from the 2000 Sydney games is speaking in front of our students. Here I am trying to be composed and not be star struck in front of my students but the minute he said, "I would like to allow you all to touch and see my gold medal," I about peed my pants and lost it. I was giddy!! I mean, come on!! It's not everyday that you get to meet an Olympian, particularly one in the sport that used to consume your every being AND hold a gold medal. It was truly one of the coolest experiences of my life and I will never forget it!

This is me trying to keep it together...after I about clawed it out of students hands and sat like an impatient little brat. I did not set a good example...I know!

My students were pretty pumped too.