Friday, November 25, 2011

Peanut's First Thanksgiving!

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble!

There was tons of food, laughter, love, and good GREAT times in the Wallace household this year surrounding our little man on his first turkey day! While he wasn't able to enjoy the feast, Andrew sat with 11 of his closest family and friends around the Thanksgiving table. My, my, my how our little family Thanksgiving dinner of 3-5 people has grown!

There is so much to be thankful for this year! I have a beautiful, healthy baby boy who just lights up my life every moment of the day. Mommyhood is something that I can't explain but truly something that is cherished in it's simplest form. I know all you parents out there can relate and I wasn't able to understand the joys of parenthood until I became one. Words cannot do justice and there is no greater love than that of a child! I feel so blessed and fortunate! I am beyond thankful for the blessings I have received thus far and the ones my little man will continue to give me.

On a family note, Kyle and I have one more blessing to be thankful for this year! It's just keeps a'comin! We found out that we are going to be an Aunt and Uncle as Kyle's little brother ("little," sorry Ross, you are a grown man I know, it's just habit!) announced that he and his wife are expecting a baby girl in April 2012. So in addition to the good news that I FINALLY have a sister, I can add to my resume that I am going to be an Auntie and Andrew will have a cousin so close in age! Good thing Aunt Tracey is okay with a little rough housin' because surely Andrew will have a playmate for life!

I am so thankful for the blessings that have come into our lives this year and the impact you, as my dear family and friends, have made in my life! Thank you for your unyielding and continued love and support you have given my family and I this year! I am truly thankful for you!

Happy Turkey Day!

Monday, November 21, 2011

3 months old!

He's talking (baby talk of course!), he's all smiles, he's squealing up a storm, he's melting mommy's heart, and he's 3 MONTHS OLD!!! I can't believe it!!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Daddy Day Care

So the day is rapidly approaching when I have to go back to work and leave my little man in the trustworthy and capable hands of Daddy!! Capable, yes! Trustworthy....well...let's just say Kyle missed his calling in life when he decided to be a fireman instead of a fashion designer! In addition, I think Kyle found a playmate for life as Andrew seems to be involved in quite a few shenanigans while Mommy is away! I cannot even begin to describe the outfits Kyle puts together for Andrew! I will let the pictures speak for themselves!

Nice and cozy for the day!

It's 8am and Andrew is dressed in a tank top, workout shorts, and slippers! Not really quite sure what we are doing for the day with this ensemble!

This outfit actually goes together but couldn't resist how cute my little man looked! 

Yes, those are JD's toys that Andrew is laying in and yes, I am aware that our dog has way too many toys! But I will give you 2 guesses as to who bought the big dog bone...I am guessing you will only need 1! 

I wish I knew the thought process that goes through Kyle's head when he opens the closet door and disregards any and all sizes, whether they fit or not, as well as the color schemes. Lord help this child when he goes to his first day of school with Daddy fashion! I have to give the man credit though, at least he is putting Andrew in clothing as opposed to letting Andrew be the "nakee baby!" all day long! Ahhh, I just love the men in my life! I hope this gives you the same chuckle it gave me! Thanks for the laughs Kyle!