Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Big Boy on the Big Boy Potty

Well, it is that time. The dreaded time (and once completed, celebratory time!) of potty training! A couple months back, we tried to get Andrew excited about potty training with the purchase of his very own potty chair and big boy undies. To no avail, the boy kicked and screamed and ran away. I had been warned that "you will know" when he is ready and when he is not. Clearly, he was not! This little boy is very determined when he wants to do something or will exhibit signs when he is interested. At this point in time, he was not interested. We decided to give potty training a brief rest and revisit soon. When my Spring Break arrived and we didn't have any commitments, we decided to seize the day and try again. And it was not planned that we would start potty training on April Fool's Day but alas, here we are and it's go time!
Thankfully, day 1 was successful and despite a few accidents, the sticker chart proved to be motivational and Andrew was using his big boy potty. By day 2, Andrew was more independent of our help and was using the potty on his own accord. Andrew-1, Mom and Dad's stir craziness due to being confined to the house for 48 hours-0!
Day 1
Day 2 was a VERY BIG day for Andrew. Two thumbs up for the number 2!